miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

...An ideal future....

Of all the topics I've wrote about. This is the most difficult our, because there are only a few months loft to be a professional. Next year I end my stay at the university. The hour of claring a chapter of my life is near. SO, I have to make some decisions.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that in a couple of years, as now, I would like to be studying. When I finish this career. I would like to continue studying something related to education. Also, I already have a good age to leave my parent's home. I should be able to live on my own. I would like to have my space and my things. This would be an important step in my life. You live with your family your whole life, so it is hard to leave, because I get used to see them every day.

If I think of the future, I can not exclude my love life because the two previous points were field work and family, what will happen with love? In five years I would like to have a more stable relationship. Someone to share joys and sorrows. I want to have a real relationship.

But, all of the above are just dreams, they may become real as they can not. Nobody knows what awaits us. Regardless if I am doing this other things, or if I live with my family or maybe with friends, or I don`t have a boy friend. I would just like to be well.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

...the best in my area.......

Is difficult, to say only name because it’s several the important contribute to area of education. Easily, could mention to more of a character who has created theory or research. But, as there is than choose a single, I wasthinking in someone.

One of the best is David Ausubel. He was born in the United States, in the year 1918. He studied at the University of New York and at present lives in the city of Ontario (Canada).

There is than stress, He was worry about how educated in his time and especially in their culture, and He wrote several books about of the psychology of the education because he appreciates the experience than has the learner in his mind. But, the main reason of the selection is than He gives rise and spread the theory of significant learning.

The significant learning is a concept of paramount importance for student teachers because is all opposite to learning mechanic, and is this latter that you can observe in the classroom, and it is what should not happen. The student should construct their knowledge by means of a significant learning, that is, he used their prior learning because the learning by the student depends of the priori cognitive structure that is associated with the new information, and the cognitive structure is the group of concepts, ideas that a person has in a certain field of knowledge.

For this last, is important know to Ausubel, his theory because change the teaching-learning process and change the mode of work of a teacher, than allows to have a more innovative view about our area.