lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

...Final Session...

Always it is good, and people recommend to make a self-evaluation about the events of the semester, or year. In this case I write, in especially, about my academic year. This is not easy for me, because not only I have than to think about the good. I also have to remember the bad, and that wants say, than I will have to look well it than do not like me. Anyway, I tell you about what happened to me in the university in relation to three topics: "the subject, the pedagogical practice, and the friends".

The first, it is about subject, the true is than this year I have had more subjects in comparison with previous term. Then, these months have been more difficult, because I had and still have problems with the time. I have had a timetable more extensive, the classes starts early and finishs very late, and I arrive to my home very tired, but I have to make jobs or I have to study because now I have more responsibilities than fulfill. Y as well, if I use more time for university, I have less free time.

Secundly, this year the pedagogical practice has been different, because next year I should do professional practice, then these two halves were examples of what will happen to future. This experience in the classroom, it used for ask if Do I want to do this in the future? or I want to be a teacher?very important questions are for my, because his response confirms if I can be or not a teacher and make classes. It was a practice decisive.

As I said before, this year I spend many hours of day in the university. Time don’t used only of study, also it serves to share with my friends. We have had more opportunity to be together, and the friendship is to grow day to day.

To sum up, maybe this year was more complicated by the number of academic hours and subjects. And I had things to do, but also I learned more than ever. I had more opportunities to learn, for example: because it was the right time to unite theory with practice, because it is the last year of university, and I could connect new learning with previous, and because of the friends you also can to learn.

1 comentario:

  1. I know it's been a hard semester for most of you. I hope you all succeed in your subjects, have a great 2010, and become a fantastic teacher!!!

    It is Always good, and people recommend to make a self-evaluation about the events of the semester, or year. In this case I AM GOING TO write, especiallY, about my academic year. This is not easy for me, not only because I have to think about the good POINTS, BUT also I have to remember the bad ONES, and that MEANs sayING thaT I will have to look well INTO THINGS THAT I DON’T like. Anyway, I WILL tell you about what happened to me in the university in relation to three topics: "the subjectS, the pedagogical practice, and MYfriends".

    The first POINT is about MY subjectS. The truTH is thaTn this year I have had more subjects in comparison with previous termS. TheREFORE, these months have been more difficult, because I had and still have problems with time. I have had a more extensive timetable, the classes start early and finish very late, and I arrive AT home very tired, but THE I have to DO SOME ASSIGNMENTS or I have to study because now I have more responsibilities tO fulfill as well. aS A RESULT OF THIS IF if I DEVOTE more time for university, I have less free time FOR MYSELF.

    SecOndly, this year the pedagogical practice has been different, because next year I should do MY professional practice, then these two halves were examples of what will happen IN THE future. This experience IN SITU, in the classroom, MADE ME ask MYSELF: Do I want to do this in the future? or DO I want to be a teacher? THESE are very important questions for mE, because MY response confirms if I can or CAN’t be a teacher and GIVE classes. It was a decisive practice.

    As I said before, this year I spenT many hours of THE day in the university. I DIDN’T USE Time only TO study, IT also serveDto share with my friends. We have had more opportunity to be together, and the friendship HAS growN day BY day.

    To sum up, maybe this year was more complicated bECAUSE OF the number of academic hours and subjects. And BESIDES I had things to do, but I also learned more than ever. I had more opportunities to learn, for example: because it was the right time to unite theory with practice, because it is the last year of university, and I could connect new with previous learning, and FINALLY because you can also to learn FROM friends.
