jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

....My blogging experience.....

I think that my experience as a Blogger for this english course was very useful for many reasons. First of all, as an educator I believe that the incorporation of new Technologies on pedagogic activities it’s a plus, so I’m really happy with this iniciative. On the other hand I believe that written exercises (such as the ones that the blog made us do) are a great way to exercise my english orthography, in my opinion, the hardest part of a new language.

I can certainly say that this experience helped me improve my english and it was quite enjoyable, since I like to use Computers and it’s a technology I enjoy. My favorite topic of all the asignments was, without a doubt, the one where I had to talk about a Photo thta was significant to me, because It brought back many good memories.

I think that this kind of courses and ways to approach english certainly help to understand this new language in a practical new way, which leads to a better understanding and learning of it.

Assuming that this kind of work is constant in english classes i would like to suggest that this type of work should be taken to other elective assignments, such as CFG’s (elective courses that every student in the university has to take). I will like to say that, even considering the importance of including new Technologies in education, the approach to this Tools must be supervised and they should never be taken lightly, because we cannot let this innovations replace the relationship between the student and his teacher.

As a final comment, I think that this course has been a good improvement of my english knowledge, considering the use of new Technologies as a plus in this process. I really give this blogging process “two thumbs up”.

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