lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Transantiago...before and after.¡¡

I can not forget that the pre-Transantiago system, It was not bad for me because I had several buses for I travel from my house to all the communes of Santiago, and it was best that you wouldst only one bus and ready, you arrive at your destination. Besides if I didn’t want to take bus, I could travel by underground, this was faster, comfortable and clean. Precisely, this last, the bus was a feature negative because the most of them were old, then they were in very good condition, so that they were unsafe.

Now if we compare the old with the new system I would say the new system, unlike the previous one, to I travel from one commune to another I have to take more than a bus, and even take underground. I think these combinations are tiring and are a negative feature because it takes more time after all. And, I don’t think only this¡ But, if the current system is better because the users must use a card to cancel, this allows than the drivers with less danger, because without money will not be attacked.

The truth is that I hate it a little to Transantiago because to travel from home to university, I have to make several changes of underground to bus, of metro to bus, etc. Then, I linger long in coming and that did not happen before¡.

The idea of changing the system is not bad, but if arrangements need to improve roads, or build more lines, because another negative feature is that the bus and underground collapse at certain hours and that should not be so arrangements needed to improve routes.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

"A Country I would like to visit"

Is very difficult for me select only a country, because I like to visit several countries around the world, because each one of they has different culture, and every one these place it has a special magic.

But, as I have to choose just one. First, I would like to visit España because It is my favorite country. I Like to go a this country because since that I was a girl, I heard to talk about it. And moreover, when I was eight years, I started to dance “flamenco”, I had classes in the school, in the which I learned about this beautiful dance.

España don’t is unknown country, It is a popular tourist destination of several people, because this country has many interesting places to visit, has a fantastic architecture, and has beautiful place to know, and that's not all. Also, there I could find a good meal, according to the than have been, they recommend to try the typical dishes, and they recommend to visit some traditional festivals.

I would like to know each historical site, each beautiful landscape and most of all I want to know many people and that they talk me about their cities. And not only that, in the next future I want to study in España, because there are good opportunities, it is a place that give a good education. España is a great place to live for a time, it fulfills with all necessary, and it is a modern country.

“Good and bad points”

I´m going to talk about my first term the this year. In that time I had good and bad moments. It`s very common in the life of the people. If everything was only good or bad, it`s would be very strange¡.

In relation to the good, I remember my stay in university. The true is that I reach to finish of this successfully period, because I approve all courses. I learned many new knowledge of education. Also, I shared more time with my friends, because our hours of classes were many, We were together all day. And, another positive point was in relation with the deport, I started to play football in the university, first it was not easy but with the time it was more entertaining. I would like to practice again this sport during this term, it was one of my favorite activities.

But, in relation to the bad points, it is very easy to say. For me, the worst of the previous months was the class timetable. The first class of the day started at 8:30 a.m, then I had to get up very early because my house is far from the university, I take an hour and a half in to get, and something similar happens at school dismissal, as us we had several classes, I arrived at my house at night and very tired, Then I had less time to share with the family.

I can not deny that the term was difficult. I finished very tired. And just after, I could rest, because started the holidays, it was a good point¡.