viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

…About music…..

The truth is that, now it’s very difficult for me to talk about music, because Ihave many things to say abut this topic, and I only have to use 300 words. I could start by saying than It’s not just that I like music, I love music!.

I might start by saying that the main reason that I have to like music is because I love to dance. When I'm stressed, and I want some relief, dancing appears as the only solution.

Also, my favorite kind of music is dancehall, because this style has slow songs that you can listen to when you want to relax, or if only you want to talk with background music. And also, it has more fast songs than you can dance.

This type of music has many very good musicians, but the truth is that I do not buy any cds. I look for songs in internet, and then I download them, you can even download a whole album. I also go to concerts, and that’s very entertaining

Every day I listen to music, and I usually sing, but as I do not sing very well, I only do it when I'm alone. Dancing’s what I do best. I’m also not very skilled to play any instrument, I just knok some basics. Years ago I wanted to learn how to play guitar, but I never did, maybe someday I will. It would be interesting.

Music is very important for my life, because it goes with me in every moment of the day. It reminds me of happy and sad times that I’ve lived. For example, my favorite song belongs to a movie soundtrack; I like it because it reminds me of the last years than I spent in school, specially the happy moments I shared with my friends.

I don’t know what I would do if music didn’t exist!

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

...... About the article....

When, I enter the website indicated (, immediately I chose the item of education, because my career is Education preschool and initial basic, then it was logical to select a news from there.

The news is called “Nappy curriculum 'boosts basic skills”, this is about the implementations of a curriculum created by the government. This intervention in education, is for early preschool education, for children between three and four years. The main objective of stimulating to children for that they reach targets for basic literacy, numeracy and social development. The results, by a side has been positive because the percentage increase in basic skills of the children, but also has been negative because it decreases the percentage of the children who were more capable because they worked at higher levels before the project implementation. Precisely, that this decrease text considers important in the results of children than before is highlighted.

Now, as a student of pedagogy, I think that a good teacher should be able to prepare a class for the different levels at which are children. Unfortunately, if children more highlighted don´t respond as before, this may be because they are worried about the majority, and the teachers and the curriculum forget diversity in the classroom. Diversity is a key element to is having a good education. Also, I think that preschool education is not to pressure to children, they can not provide schooling for a child of three or four years, the children should learn according to their stages of development.

If you are interested in the text, you can find it in:

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

... Cinema Films....

Going to the cinema is not a bad option when you want to do something fun. I remember that as a child, my family and I were going to see the movies. We liked to go the cinema because the image you see in a very large screen, listened a lot better, the seats were comfortable, you could eat popcorn, and was a good opportunities to share with family. With the step of the years, we even go to movies at least one day a month.

Then, during my childhood I saw several movies, but my favorite is “the lady and the tramp”. This film was produced by Walt Disney in year 1955. The movie is about a couple of dogs that come from very different realities. But, although they have differences which may have their lifestyles, tastes, etc, they can have a relationship.

I like this movie, is one of my favorite first because it reminds me of my childhood, and second because it teaches values as the friendship and the love. These two reasons are the good points of the film.
In short, is a movie that at first glance seems to be light in content, but if you look with attention can find some very interesting elements.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

... what to do/ where to go in Santiago ...

The good about Santiago, is that as the capital of our country it has several places to visit, and various activities for residents of this place, and for visitors. I was born in the metropolitan region, and I have always lived, in the commune of Santiago, specifically.

Then, I know this place, I would recommend visiting the sites most characteristic, for example some tourist attractions are at the center of Santiago there you can visit the “paseo peatonal Londres” begins in the Plaza San Francisco and goes to Alonso Ovalle, this area is declared as a typical area of the capital, and is by its architecture of the years 30. Also, we have “La casa de la Moneda”, which now occupies the seat of government, is very interesting to visit because it is part of our history, and you can visit their museum. And, if you walk a few streets, arriving at the "Plaza de Armas" maybe this place is not pretty, but worth the trip because there is the cathedral, this if is beautiful.

And that's not all, after of visit places that are part of our national identity, after of know places more characteristic in our history. It's time to visit other sites as the “Santuario de la naturaleza Yerba Loca”, where there are long roads, beautiful landscapes, different ecosystems and many animals and plants. Here, you can take long walks, contemplatethe nature, make camping with the family, walking horses, and of course, take many pictures.

And finally, I recommend the "Barrio Bellavista" because already mentioned most cultural places, and other natural environments, but we needed somewhere for the fun. On these streets will find several restaurants, some dance clubs, or if you prefer there are also karaoke, there is local for all tastes. You will not regret visiting these places.¡