domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

...... About the article....

When, I enter the website indicated (, immediately I chose the item of education, because my career is Education preschool and initial basic, then it was logical to select a news from there.

The news is called “Nappy curriculum 'boosts basic skills”, this is about the implementations of a curriculum created by the government. This intervention in education, is for early preschool education, for children between three and four years. The main objective of stimulating to children for that they reach targets for basic literacy, numeracy and social development. The results, by a side has been positive because the percentage increase in basic skills of the children, but also has been negative because it decreases the percentage of the children who were more capable because they worked at higher levels before the project implementation. Precisely, that this decrease text considers important in the results of children than before is highlighted.

Now, as a student of pedagogy, I think that a good teacher should be able to prepare a class for the different levels at which are children. Unfortunately, if children more highlighted don´t respond as before, this may be because they are worried about the majority, and the teachers and the curriculum forget diversity in the classroom. Diversity is a key element to is having a good education. Also, I think that preschool education is not to pressure to children, they can not provide schooling for a child of three or four years, the children should learn according to their stages of development.

If you are interested in the text, you can find it in:

1 comentario:

  1. Kristel, I found the article that you choose very interesting and I think that the education strategies from the goverments should be made and review by specialist in education so they can make some good and flexible curriculums.
