lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

.My career.

Actuality, I am a student the education, is more, only need one years for end, and is a professional . The truth, about the reasons of why I chose this career are more. First, because the topic of education in general is very interesting, you can learn many things that help at see the reality from other perspectives, now understand in another way what happens.

Second, as the career is education initial, I like than this focused on teaching children of preschool and basic education, that is, than have only months until the nine years. To difference the other universities, in the which or study for preschool or for basic education, but you can not study both boards. Then, in the near future i can work in a kindergarten or if prefer in a school.

Third, and one of the most important, I decided to study pedagogy because share the process teaching and learning together with students is a fabulous experiment, can be a guide of children in the construction of knowledge is a great responsibility. Being a teacher is not easy.

By last, I selected this career, because this university gives you the different tools to develop in more fields, for example I can work in the classroom, making classes or can do investigations, all depends if you like. In summary, my career is more than is written above, but try to tell the main.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

This photograph is one of my favorites. First, because the place shown in it brings me beautiful memories, the image is from Pichilemu, a place where I have experienced great moments, even unforgettable ones, with friends and family, during the summer and winter vacations. I always return there.

Also I chose this photo specifically because it is from the last trip that I made there. I went for a few days with my mom and my brother. We had an amazing time, we went to the beach, rode horses, ate fish and abocve all, we rested and we laughed a lot. I’t had been a while since just the three of us went out.

Specifically, the photograph portraits a very singular beach, It’s name is punta de lobos, and It’s known for having a great view, in that place you can sit to watch the sea and think. Also, this beach has the best waves; so many surfers come here to practice their sport.

In summary, there are a lot of things you can in Pichilemu, a lot of places to see. I strongly recommend it because it’s a cheap tourist’s place not far from Santiago.

martes, 14 de abril de 2009

the best website

If it was difficult to choose a technological device, just imagine how complicated it was to select a web site, because there is not a day that don’t I surf the Internet to visit several pages. Since I should choose one that is related to my career, the chances are reduced, but even so, there are a few to share, as they are quite interesting. Also, they are very useful for my works at the university.

But since I cannot write all those links, I'll pick , allow me to explain why. As you know, the selected page is not about educational issues, but a search page for any topic you want. So it’s quite useful, because I just have to enter key words about what I´m looking for, and tons of pages display for me to look upon.

I recommend this link because you can use it to lok forward in almost any topic, all you nedd is the necessary key words and you can have many pages to search from.

see you..bye.¡¡

Favourite piece of technology

It’s difficult to choose a particular technological piece, because some of them are of great importance for each one of us, for society. We musn’t forget that technology is a part of our daily life, many people feel something is missing from them when they don’t have their cell phones at hand or when their computers are malfunctioning.

After thinking it for a while, I think the best option at this time is to choose the notebook. There are a lot of reasons, so I can start by saying that this device has been of great use for my student life because there’s isn’t a day when I don’t check my email, or to write a paper. The main difference between the notebook and a regular computer, is that you can carry the notebook with you, you can take it to a class or to a classmate’s house to work.

I also chose it because I use it to search information from many sources, thanks to the internet. And at the same time I can contact myself with friends who are close to me, and most importantly, with those who are away. I could say that it helps you to not feel alone. Even more, I use the notebook to listen music or to watch a movie. In synthesis, the various functions of this piece makes it my personal favorite.

until the next.¡¡


domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

Something about me...

I writen in this blogger because it is necessary for english class. I begin whith one description the my. I comment about why the nick name the this blogger is mona. The reason is very easy.
My name is Kristel, but no always call me for the name. My friends to take the word mona because they used for honey.
Only, when my friends are angry because I was something that it was not well. the truth is that I love very much my friends. They are very special to me because are unconditionally with me, in good times and in bad also. Even, the address of the blogger reminds me of my friends from school. I remember the moments beautiful that we live togheter, those that can not be forgotten. Really, these girls make me happy.
To them say thanks for always being there. I have not doubt some that they are as a family.