martes, 14 de abril de 2009

Favourite piece of technology

It’s difficult to choose a particular technological piece, because some of them are of great importance for each one of us, for society. We musn’t forget that technology is a part of our daily life, many people feel something is missing from them when they don’t have their cell phones at hand or when their computers are malfunctioning.

After thinking it for a while, I think the best option at this time is to choose the notebook. There are a lot of reasons, so I can start by saying that this device has been of great use for my student life because there’s isn’t a day when I don’t check my email, or to write a paper. The main difference between the notebook and a regular computer, is that you can carry the notebook with you, you can take it to a class or to a classmate’s house to work.

I also chose it because I use it to search information from many sources, thanks to the internet. And at the same time I can contact myself with friends who are close to me, and most importantly, with those who are away. I could say that it helps you to not feel alone. Even more, I use the notebook to listen music or to watch a movie. In synthesis, the various functions of this piece makes it my personal favorite.

until the next.¡¡


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