domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

Something about me...

I writen in this blogger because it is necessary for english class. I begin whith one description the my. I comment about why the nick name the this blogger is mona. The reason is very easy.
My name is Kristel, but no always call me for the name. My friends to take the word mona because they used for honey.
Only, when my friends are angry because I was something that it was not well. the truth is that I love very much my friends. They are very special to me because are unconditionally with me, in good times and in bad also. Even, the address of the blogger reminds me of my friends from school. I remember the moments beautiful that we live togheter, those that can not be forgotten. Really, these girls make me happy.
To them say thanks for always being there. I have not doubt some that they are as a family.

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