lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

...Final Session...

Always it is good, and people recommend to make a self-evaluation about the events of the semester, or year. In this case I write, in especially, about my academic year. This is not easy for me, because not only I have than to think about the good. I also have to remember the bad, and that wants say, than I will have to look well it than do not like me. Anyway, I tell you about what happened to me in the university in relation to three topics: "the subject, the pedagogical practice, and the friends".

The first, it is about subject, the true is than this year I have had more subjects in comparison with previous term. Then, these months have been more difficult, because I had and still have problems with the time. I have had a timetable more extensive, the classes starts early and finishs very late, and I arrive to my home very tired, but I have to make jobs or I have to study because now I have more responsibilities than fulfill. Y as well, if I use more time for university, I have less free time.

Secundly, this year the pedagogical practice has been different, because next year I should do professional practice, then these two halves were examples of what will happen to future. This experience in the classroom, it used for ask if Do I want to do this in the future? or I want to be a teacher?very important questions are for my, because his response confirms if I can be or not a teacher and make classes. It was a practice decisive.

As I said before, this year I spend many hours of day in the university. Time don’t used only of study, also it serves to share with my friends. We have had more opportunity to be together, and the friendship is to grow day to day.

To sum up, maybe this year was more complicated by the number of academic hours and subjects. And I had things to do, but also I learned more than ever. I had more opportunities to learn, for example: because it was the right time to unite theory with practice, because it is the last year of university, and I could connect new learning with previous, and because of the friends you also can to learn.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

…About music…..

The truth is that, now it’s very difficult for me to talk about music, because Ihave many things to say abut this topic, and I only have to use 300 words. I could start by saying than It’s not just that I like music, I love music!.

I might start by saying that the main reason that I have to like music is because I love to dance. When I'm stressed, and I want some relief, dancing appears as the only solution.

Also, my favorite kind of music is dancehall, because this style has slow songs that you can listen to when you want to relax, or if only you want to talk with background music. And also, it has more fast songs than you can dance.

This type of music has many very good musicians, but the truth is that I do not buy any cds. I look for songs in internet, and then I download them, you can even download a whole album. I also go to concerts, and that’s very entertaining

Every day I listen to music, and I usually sing, but as I do not sing very well, I only do it when I'm alone. Dancing’s what I do best. I’m also not very skilled to play any instrument, I just knok some basics. Years ago I wanted to learn how to play guitar, but I never did, maybe someday I will. It would be interesting.

Music is very important for my life, because it goes with me in every moment of the day. It reminds me of happy and sad times that I’ve lived. For example, my favorite song belongs to a movie soundtrack; I like it because it reminds me of the last years than I spent in school, specially the happy moments I shared with my friends.

I don’t know what I would do if music didn’t exist!

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009

...... About the article....

When, I enter the website indicated (, immediately I chose the item of education, because my career is Education preschool and initial basic, then it was logical to select a news from there.

The news is called “Nappy curriculum 'boosts basic skills”, this is about the implementations of a curriculum created by the government. This intervention in education, is for early preschool education, for children between three and four years. The main objective of stimulating to children for that they reach targets for basic literacy, numeracy and social development. The results, by a side has been positive because the percentage increase in basic skills of the children, but also has been negative because it decreases the percentage of the children who were more capable because they worked at higher levels before the project implementation. Precisely, that this decrease text considers important in the results of children than before is highlighted.

Now, as a student of pedagogy, I think that a good teacher should be able to prepare a class for the different levels at which are children. Unfortunately, if children more highlighted don´t respond as before, this may be because they are worried about the majority, and the teachers and the curriculum forget diversity in the classroom. Diversity is a key element to is having a good education. Also, I think that preschool education is not to pressure to children, they can not provide schooling for a child of three or four years, the children should learn according to their stages of development.

If you are interested in the text, you can find it in:

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

... Cinema Films....

Going to the cinema is not a bad option when you want to do something fun. I remember that as a child, my family and I were going to see the movies. We liked to go the cinema because the image you see in a very large screen, listened a lot better, the seats were comfortable, you could eat popcorn, and was a good opportunities to share with family. With the step of the years, we even go to movies at least one day a month.

Then, during my childhood I saw several movies, but my favorite is “the lady and the tramp”. This film was produced by Walt Disney in year 1955. The movie is about a couple of dogs that come from very different realities. But, although they have differences which may have their lifestyles, tastes, etc, they can have a relationship.

I like this movie, is one of my favorite first because it reminds me of my childhood, and second because it teaches values as the friendship and the love. These two reasons are the good points of the film.
In short, is a movie that at first glance seems to be light in content, but if you look with attention can find some very interesting elements.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

... what to do/ where to go in Santiago ...

The good about Santiago, is that as the capital of our country it has several places to visit, and various activities for residents of this place, and for visitors. I was born in the metropolitan region, and I have always lived, in the commune of Santiago, specifically.

Then, I know this place, I would recommend visiting the sites most characteristic, for example some tourist attractions are at the center of Santiago there you can visit the “paseo peatonal Londres” begins in the Plaza San Francisco and goes to Alonso Ovalle, this area is declared as a typical area of the capital, and is by its architecture of the years 30. Also, we have “La casa de la Moneda”, which now occupies the seat of government, is very interesting to visit because it is part of our history, and you can visit their museum. And, if you walk a few streets, arriving at the "Plaza de Armas" maybe this place is not pretty, but worth the trip because there is the cathedral, this if is beautiful.

And that's not all, after of visit places that are part of our national identity, after of know places more characteristic in our history. It's time to visit other sites as the “Santuario de la naturaleza Yerba Loca”, where there are long roads, beautiful landscapes, different ecosystems and many animals and plants. Here, you can take long walks, contemplatethe nature, make camping with the family, walking horses, and of course, take many pictures.

And finally, I recommend the "Barrio Bellavista" because already mentioned most cultural places, and other natural environments, but we needed somewhere for the fun. On these streets will find several restaurants, some dance clubs, or if you prefer there are also karaoke, there is local for all tastes. You will not regret visiting these places.¡

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009


The true is that, I am not good for to watch TV, because in my free time I prefer to do other things, as by example I like going to the cinema with my family or I love going out with my friends at different places.

But, considering how little of TV than I see, I can say that my favorite TV. serial is “Sex and the city”. IT is not difficult choose for my because I think immediately in this serial. I like this.¡

This serial is about the story of four women, who are united by a great friendship. They live in New York, and that is where they pass through joys and sorrows, loves and hates, but they always have the support of her friends. Right, that´s why it is my favorite, by the concept of friendship that living, and that is an example, the unconditional friendship. Moreover, this comedy is about relevant problems for society and especially for women which more than a chapter, they feel identified with the characters.

I will recommend it to everyone, simply, because it is a mixture, you can entertain, and also you reflect on your life, and social events. Maybe at the beginning you do not like much, but slowly you captivate, and you end up like me, without bother you watch in different channels the old chapters.

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Transantiago...before and after.¡¡

I can not forget that the pre-Transantiago system, It was not bad for me because I had several buses for I travel from my house to all the communes of Santiago, and it was best that you wouldst only one bus and ready, you arrive at your destination. Besides if I didn’t want to take bus, I could travel by underground, this was faster, comfortable and clean. Precisely, this last, the bus was a feature negative because the most of them were old, then they were in very good condition, so that they were unsafe.

Now if we compare the old with the new system I would say the new system, unlike the previous one, to I travel from one commune to another I have to take more than a bus, and even take underground. I think these combinations are tiring and are a negative feature because it takes more time after all. And, I don’t think only this¡ But, if the current system is better because the users must use a card to cancel, this allows than the drivers with less danger, because without money will not be attacked.

The truth is that I hate it a little to Transantiago because to travel from home to university, I have to make several changes of underground to bus, of metro to bus, etc. Then, I linger long in coming and that did not happen before¡.

The idea of changing the system is not bad, but if arrangements need to improve roads, or build more lines, because another negative feature is that the bus and underground collapse at certain hours and that should not be so arrangements needed to improve routes.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

"A Country I would like to visit"

Is very difficult for me select only a country, because I like to visit several countries around the world, because each one of they has different culture, and every one these place it has a special magic.

But, as I have to choose just one. First, I would like to visit España because It is my favorite country. I Like to go a this country because since that I was a girl, I heard to talk about it. And moreover, when I was eight years, I started to dance “flamenco”, I had classes in the school, in the which I learned about this beautiful dance.

España don’t is unknown country, It is a popular tourist destination of several people, because this country has many interesting places to visit, has a fantastic architecture, and has beautiful place to know, and that's not all. Also, there I could find a good meal, according to the than have been, they recommend to try the typical dishes, and they recommend to visit some traditional festivals.

I would like to know each historical site, each beautiful landscape and most of all I want to know many people and that they talk me about their cities. And not only that, in the next future I want to study in España, because there are good opportunities, it is a place that give a good education. España is a great place to live for a time, it fulfills with all necessary, and it is a modern country.

“Good and bad points”

I´m going to talk about my first term the this year. In that time I had good and bad moments. It`s very common in the life of the people. If everything was only good or bad, it`s would be very strange¡.

In relation to the good, I remember my stay in university. The true is that I reach to finish of this successfully period, because I approve all courses. I learned many new knowledge of education. Also, I shared more time with my friends, because our hours of classes were many, We were together all day. And, another positive point was in relation with the deport, I started to play football in the university, first it was not easy but with the time it was more entertaining. I would like to practice again this sport during this term, it was one of my favorite activities.

But, in relation to the bad points, it is very easy to say. For me, the worst of the previous months was the class timetable. The first class of the day started at 8:30 a.m, then I had to get up very early because my house is far from the university, I take an hour and a half in to get, and something similar happens at school dismissal, as us we had several classes, I arrived at my house at night and very tired, Then I had less time to share with the family.

I can not deny that the term was difficult. I finished very tired. And just after, I could rest, because started the holidays, it was a good point¡.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

....My blogging experience.....

I think that my experience as a Blogger for this english course was very useful for many reasons. First of all, as an educator I believe that the incorporation of new Technologies on pedagogic activities it’s a plus, so I’m really happy with this iniciative. On the other hand I believe that written exercises (such as the ones that the blog made us do) are a great way to exercise my english orthography, in my opinion, the hardest part of a new language.

I can certainly say that this experience helped me improve my english and it was quite enjoyable, since I like to use Computers and it’s a technology I enjoy. My favorite topic of all the asignments was, without a doubt, the one where I had to talk about a Photo thta was significant to me, because It brought back many good memories.

I think that this kind of courses and ways to approach english certainly help to understand this new language in a practical new way, which leads to a better understanding and learning of it.

Assuming that this kind of work is constant in english classes i would like to suggest that this type of work should be taken to other elective assignments, such as CFG’s (elective courses that every student in the university has to take). I will like to say that, even considering the importance of including new Technologies in education, the approach to this Tools must be supervised and they should never be taken lightly, because we cannot let this innovations replace the relationship between the student and his teacher.

As a final comment, I think that this course has been a good improvement of my english knowledge, considering the use of new Technologies as a plus in this process. I really give this blogging process “two thumbs up”.

...My favourite subject....

Of this term my favourite subject is mathematics, because I learned a few things than I had never know. I learned how the teachers should teach mathematics to children, this is very important for my future development professional.

It is not easy to teach this subject, Many children hate it because for them is boring or difficult. But, During these months the teacher of the course gives us the tools to change this bad image that has on the math. It is great contribution to the schools because this changed the way of constructing mathematical knowledge.

Also, when it comes time to do a math class, I have the pedagogical knowledge needed to carry out an didactics activity. Type of activity that is not very common to observe in the classroom. one of the major contributions of this course is that now I have the ability to create an educational experience that is characterized by it is significant for children. This latter, it can be achieved through of working with concrete material.

In conclusion, this course changes the idea that he previously had on mathematics. And moreover, I am prepared to make an education more innovative in this area. And it was interesting to discover how really should work those mathematical Concepts. Finally, now if I am very motivated to be a math teacher because I found a way to teach this subject.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

....Ideal Job......

Is very easy dream. The man who does not dream is because it lost the meaning to his life. Usually dream different things, in all aspects of life. But, about my career, now that I am by to finish this stage as university student, I believe that now is easier to think in the future. During these years I am grow as a person and I learn a few things that let you have another vision of life, and then is when your dreams are not the same as before.

One of those dreams is about the ideal job. My more closer dream is to work in the classroom. But only a couple of years, the years required to have experience to can do other thing that is to investigate. Working in the classroom would be a dream for me because there is a big goal, that is to change a little the reality than I've seen in the pedagogical practices, if this is my dream.

It would not be difficult to find such work, because the goal is to make good classes to change the things that are not very good such as by example behaviorism. For this The main thing I need is the commitment, be committed with the children, parents, families, school and what more important be more committed with my work.

Hopefully than my dream if can be reality

martes, 2 de junio de 2009

....Do Schools Kill Creativity?,(Ken Robinson)....

I think that the man in the video (Sir Ken Robinson) has an interesting point about formal education undermining creativity. He says that is very difficult (near to impossible) to determine what children these days can do, because it’s difficult to say how the world it’s gonna be in 5 years, so how can we prepare children for what’s coming? Sir Robinson says that imagination it’s one of the most important things to stimulate in schools. He says kids are entitled to be wrong, as adults are not because they lose that capacity as they grow up, in part because mistakes are not allowed in formal schools, thus, creativity and ways to develop and best those mistakes are taken away from the kids.

In my opinion he is right about the kids need to experiment and make mistakes in order to develop themselves as fully functional persons. The role of the teacher is really important in this development, because he has to guide the children through the process of learning.

I think that schools tend to kill creativity, at least in the formal system, so it’s up to creative teachers to avoid that from happening.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

...An ideal future....

Of all the topics I've wrote about. This is the most difficult our, because there are only a few months loft to be a professional. Next year I end my stay at the university. The hour of claring a chapter of my life is near. SO, I have to make some decisions.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that in a couple of years, as now, I would like to be studying. When I finish this career. I would like to continue studying something related to education. Also, I already have a good age to leave my parent's home. I should be able to live on my own. I would like to have my space and my things. This would be an important step in my life. You live with your family your whole life, so it is hard to leave, because I get used to see them every day.

If I think of the future, I can not exclude my love life because the two previous points were field work and family, what will happen with love? In five years I would like to have a more stable relationship. Someone to share joys and sorrows. I want to have a real relationship.

But, all of the above are just dreams, they may become real as they can not. Nobody knows what awaits us. Regardless if I am doing this other things, or if I live with my family or maybe with friends, or I don`t have a boy friend. I would just like to be well.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

...the best in my area.......

Is difficult, to say only name because it’s several the important contribute to area of education. Easily, could mention to more of a character who has created theory or research. But, as there is than choose a single, I wasthinking in someone.

One of the best is David Ausubel. He was born in the United States, in the year 1918. He studied at the University of New York and at present lives in the city of Ontario (Canada).

There is than stress, He was worry about how educated in his time and especially in their culture, and He wrote several books about of the psychology of the education because he appreciates the experience than has the learner in his mind. But, the main reason of the selection is than He gives rise and spread the theory of significant learning.

The significant learning is a concept of paramount importance for student teachers because is all opposite to learning mechanic, and is this latter that you can observe in the classroom, and it is what should not happen. The student should construct their knowledge by means of a significant learning, that is, he used their prior learning because the learning by the student depends of the priori cognitive structure that is associated with the new information, and the cognitive structure is the group of concepts, ideas that a person has in a certain field of knowledge.

For this last, is important know to Ausubel, his theory because change the teaching-learning process and change the mode of work of a teacher, than allows to have a more innovative view about our area.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

.My career.

Actuality, I am a student the education, is more, only need one years for end, and is a professional . The truth, about the reasons of why I chose this career are more. First, because the topic of education in general is very interesting, you can learn many things that help at see the reality from other perspectives, now understand in another way what happens.

Second, as the career is education initial, I like than this focused on teaching children of preschool and basic education, that is, than have only months until the nine years. To difference the other universities, in the which or study for preschool or for basic education, but you can not study both boards. Then, in the near future i can work in a kindergarten or if prefer in a school.

Third, and one of the most important, I decided to study pedagogy because share the process teaching and learning together with students is a fabulous experiment, can be a guide of children in the construction of knowledge is a great responsibility. Being a teacher is not easy.

By last, I selected this career, because this university gives you the different tools to develop in more fields, for example I can work in the classroom, making classes or can do investigations, all depends if you like. In summary, my career is more than is written above, but try to tell the main.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

This photograph is one of my favorites. First, because the place shown in it brings me beautiful memories, the image is from Pichilemu, a place where I have experienced great moments, even unforgettable ones, with friends and family, during the summer and winter vacations. I always return there.

Also I chose this photo specifically because it is from the last trip that I made there. I went for a few days with my mom and my brother. We had an amazing time, we went to the beach, rode horses, ate fish and abocve all, we rested and we laughed a lot. I’t had been a while since just the three of us went out.

Specifically, the photograph portraits a very singular beach, It’s name is punta de lobos, and It’s known for having a great view, in that place you can sit to watch the sea and think. Also, this beach has the best waves; so many surfers come here to practice their sport.

In summary, there are a lot of things you can in Pichilemu, a lot of places to see. I strongly recommend it because it’s a cheap tourist’s place not far from Santiago.

martes, 14 de abril de 2009

the best website

If it was difficult to choose a technological device, just imagine how complicated it was to select a web site, because there is not a day that don’t I surf the Internet to visit several pages. Since I should choose one that is related to my career, the chances are reduced, but even so, there are a few to share, as they are quite interesting. Also, they are very useful for my works at the university.

But since I cannot write all those links, I'll pick , allow me to explain why. As you know, the selected page is not about educational issues, but a search page for any topic you want. So it’s quite useful, because I just have to enter key words about what I´m looking for, and tons of pages display for me to look upon.

I recommend this link because you can use it to lok forward in almost any topic, all you nedd is the necessary key words and you can have many pages to search from.

see you..bye.¡¡

Favourite piece of technology

It’s difficult to choose a particular technological piece, because some of them are of great importance for each one of us, for society. We musn’t forget that technology is a part of our daily life, many people feel something is missing from them when they don’t have their cell phones at hand or when their computers are malfunctioning.

After thinking it for a while, I think the best option at this time is to choose the notebook. There are a lot of reasons, so I can start by saying that this device has been of great use for my student life because there’s isn’t a day when I don’t check my email, or to write a paper. The main difference between the notebook and a regular computer, is that you can carry the notebook with you, you can take it to a class or to a classmate’s house to work.

I also chose it because I use it to search information from many sources, thanks to the internet. And at the same time I can contact myself with friends who are close to me, and most importantly, with those who are away. I could say that it helps you to not feel alone. Even more, I use the notebook to listen music or to watch a movie. In synthesis, the various functions of this piece makes it my personal favorite.

until the next.¡¡


domingo, 5 de abril de 2009

Something about me...

I writen in this blogger because it is necessary for english class. I begin whith one description the my. I comment about why the nick name the this blogger is mona. The reason is very easy.
My name is Kristel, but no always call me for the name. My friends to take the word mona because they used for honey.
Only, when my friends are angry because I was something that it was not well. the truth is that I love very much my friends. They are very special to me because are unconditionally with me, in good times and in bad also. Even, the address of the blogger reminds me of my friends from school. I remember the moments beautiful that we live togheter, those that can not be forgotten. Really, these girls make me happy.
To them say thanks for always being there. I have not doubt some that they are as a family.